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Soul Maze

Soul Maze is a 3D isometric bullet hell game set in a postmortem procedurally generated dungeon, where the player must earn his way to the afterlife by destroying the souls of the damned. The main objective is to obtain the 3 pieces of the afterlife in order to make it to heaven. The player will have to explore the dungeons of the afterlife in order to collect the 3 pieces of the afterlife, while their upgradable gun along the way to make sure they survive.  

I worked on the majority of the programming of this game. It was made in Unity3D which is an engine I am familiarized with.


I started programming the basic movement of the character. Given the angle of the camera, it was essential to transform the input of the player into the right coordinates to move the player. The challenging part was making the dash/slide of the player, I had to make sure the player would not go through walls or it would break the game in any way. So before the player started the action I would check if there was a wall in the direction of the dash intention given the distance of the dash, then I would clamp the dash distance given the results.


I am really proud of my debugging system which allowed us to test different parts of our game without having to go in a full playthrough. The systems included in the debug are:


  • Changing any value from the player stats or camera position

  • Being able to go to the boss and activate the fight

  • Being able to spawn the different kinds of enemies

  • Being able to spawn different kinds of items

  • Being able to clear the current room and all the rooms

  • Unlocking all the weapons

  • A mode to make the player invincible.


I also programmed the enemy AI and their attacks. The hardest attack to implement was the boss laser which would track the player position and check if there was an object in between and draw the laser to the position where it would hit, whether it was the player or a blocking object.

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