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3R City

3R City is a RTS serious game where you are the major of a city and your job is to teach your citizens the importance of recycling and how to create less garbage overall. You will have a certain amount of budget that you will have to manage between recycling campaigns, new school programs and recycling factories among others.

I created this game with a classmate for our thesis project at Los Andes University in Colombia. The main goal of the game was to implement different software architecture solutions and agile development into the project.


This was my first approach to game development and engines in general. I learned Unity from scratch and started implementing different systems into the game. I also learned how the component system of Unity worked and used it to its fullest.


The AI system was challenging at the time because I was not sure how the Navmesh worked in Unity or how entities were capable of navigating in it. But after a while I was able to understand how they worked and started applying my knowledge on software development to the code. I approached the game as I would with normal software and realized that even though they use the same rules you have to be more careful with your code because it may make your game run inefficiently.


This was my first serious game development project and I noticed how much fun I was having doing it while learning new things.

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